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廢除聖俗之分: 建構平信徒神學 第一卷

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堅定的盼望: 單眼看待生命、工作和死後的呼召

帖撒羅尼加前書4:13-18 前言 就在聚會開始前 ...
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Send us out to do the work you have given us to do

We are called to see the world through the eyes of the Incarnation, able to know more completely what is and what isn’t...
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Forming a Marketplace-Friendly Church

The equipping task has been misunderstood as enrolling people into the ministry of the church, making them assistant pastors, rather than...
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A Theological Understanding of Profit in Business

A business does not operate in a vacuum but is the recipient of shared cultural and intellectual wealth and is accountable to the community...
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Humility for the artist-leader

How can we cultivate our friendship with God? Is friendship simply a gift of God that we can receive and enjoy, or does it require...
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Helping individuals, churches, businesses, and theological colleges integrate faith and work

To all the friends of IMT we wish a blessed Christmas.IMT exists to help individuals, churches, businesses, and theological colleges...
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On Being a Biblical Servant Leader: Insights from the Global Church

My interest in marketplace theology began quite early, without, of course, even having the language to call it “marketplace theology,”...
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Growing our Friendship with God through the Spiritual Discipline of Relinquishment

How can we cultivate our friendship with God? Is friendship simply a gift of God that we can receive and enjoy, or does it require...
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ORA ET LABORA: The heart of our calling

And because vocation is written into the very meaning of being human, our vocations are therefore integral to who we are, to why we are...
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Business as a Calling and Profession: A Historical Review

In this article, Gordon examines the importance of some of the Greek philosophical and historical factors disparaging work and business, against which Protestant notions of ...
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Business as Calling and Profession: Towards a Protestant Entrepreneurial Ethic

In this article, Dr. Gordon aims to retrieve the Protestant doctrine of vocation and the related concept of profession...
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Blessing God Through Work and Worship

In this article, we are considering just how our work can be worship, as well as how our worship in the gathered life of the ...
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Toiling Under the Sun: Ecclesiastes and a Biblical Theology of Work

Work is a key theme in the book of Ecclesiastes. It provides a vital counterweight in a fully biblical theology of work, reminding us...
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The WORKER—Trinitarian Work

We have argued in previous articles that a wholistic marketplace theology must deal with the head, the heart, and the hands. But even...
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The Snake and the Dove: Life in the Marketplace

Living faithfully in the marketplace is a process of character building and continuous spiritual growth. It is important for Christians to...
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Towards a More Biblical View of Matter Towards a Theology of Work

It is not an accident that the Bible begins with a not-so-religious theme – a world of matter! It seems to be preoccupied, not with...
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Going to Work with the Professor: Ecclesiastes and Meaning in Human Labour

I am a professor but not like the one who forms the title of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, a person who had enormous ...
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I’m a Christian—But Who Am I at Work?

Back in my twenties, when I began working for state government, I struggled with how—as a Christ-follower—I should see myself in that role...
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WORK: A Wholistic Approach—Head, Heart and Hands

Work is energy expended, whether manual or mental, purposively—unlike play which simply has the enjoyment of the activity itself...
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Dualism and Work: The Greek Contribution

It is common for Christians to think about life being divided between the sacred and the secular. Prayer, Bible reading, witnessing and teaching at church ...
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Towards a Theology of Doing: The Science of Christian Reflection “from Below”

The vision we have for this series of articles on marketplace theology is this: every person ...
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Introduction to Marketplace Theology – Toward a Wholistic Science of Work, Worker and Workplace

My interest in marketplace theology began quite early, without, of course, even having the language to call it “marketplace theology,”...
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新冠肺炎 (Covid-19)與天國中的工作

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