
MM-1 Marketplace Theology and Ministry 

Note 1. This module and MM-4 are foundational requirements for the IMT Certificate for Marketplace Transformation (CMT) programme.


One purpose of undertaking this module—which is fundamental to the Certificate (5 modules required)—is to see how the time we spend working and engaging in the enterprise is actually ministry to our neighbour (whether seen or not seen) and can be, surprisingly, a ministry to God. The module involves listening to and engaging (through a study guide) eight 25-minute segments of a film. Then there is reading a textbook, doing a case study and an applicational assignment.

Time Investment:

  • Investigative teaching and learning (10 hours)
  • Readings (15 hours)
  • Case studies (10 hours)
  • Competency exercise (10 hours)

Total 45 hours*

*Times are approximate. If spread over 12 weeks, it would involve about three or four hours per week.

Completion Schedule:

Participants should complete a module within 6 months from the day of registration. Upon satisfactory completion, the participant will receive a diploma/badge of completion for that module.

Requirements for MM-1:

  1. Investigative teaching and learning (approx. 10 hours)

    DVD or Download Series Phase 1 “Doing God’s Business 1” (4 hours viewing and 6 hours work with the study guide) total 10 hours

    1. What is so good about working? (25 minutes)
    2. Reframing Monday to Friday
    3. Why Work Is Sometimes So Hard
    4. Grappling with the Pressures
    5. Why you can be creative
    6. Dealing with a changing world
    7. Doing kingdom work
    8. Business as Mission. Really?
      There is a study guide that goes with this series that includes discussion questions, a short Bible study and resources for the integration of faith and work (90 pages).  The film and study guide are in English, Chinese (both traditional and simplified script) and Korean. The people interviewed in the film are both Asian and Caucasian. Schools choosing the “class” option may use these materials but will also be supplied with all the power points which can be adapted to varying cultures.

  2. Reading two textbooks (approx. 15 hours)
    1. Paul Stevens, Doing God’s Business: Meaning and Motivation for the Marketplace (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006). 上帝的企管學 何明珠譯 (台灣:校園書房) ISBN 978 986 156 7 200 pages (10 hours)
    2. Robert Banks and R. Paul Stevens, Marketplace Ministry Handbook (Regent College Publishing 2005, ISBN1573832944) 市井信徒通識手冊 史蒂文斯、班克斯 編 陳錦榮 譯 (香港:天道書樓:2013) ISBN 978 962 208 915 0 (choose 100 pages) (5 hours)

      Note: Participants are expected to indicate that they have read the Doing God’s Business text and a few articles in the handbook by quoting them in the paper or case study reflection they do.

  3. Case Studies (10 hours)

    Case studies based on actual situations are a great way to discover the meaning of marketplace activity. Theology is about the meaning and in case studies we are doing theology “from the below”—starting with concrete life situations and wrestling with them in the light of Scripture. To do case studies we recommend you first read the “Doing Case Studies and Theological Reflection” and one of the sample case studies and theological reflection.

    Recommended to be studied first:

    1. “All Is Vanity” (sample of case and theological Reflection)
    2. “Doing Case Studies and Theological Reflection” (read all four and select one to write a theological/biblical reflection on what it means and what to do, approximately 250-500 words. Note: in writing the theological reflection you may wish to consult and quote from the Marketplace Ministry Handbook where there is an article on a similar issue. There will be an opportunity to write up your own case with the Competency Assignment):

    “For the Good of the Client or the Good of the Company”
    “Shrewd Leadership or Duplicity”
    “Fools Gold”
    “Dream Job”

  4. Competency exercise (approx. 10 hours)
    The purpose of this assignment is to make sure you have found some way to apply what you have learned. Indeed, as St Francis is reported to have said: human beings only know as much as they have applied.  Here are some options:
    1. Your Own Case Study: Explore an incident or issue you are facing or have faced in the past and in about 250 words tell the story, then reflect on the case in approximately 300-500 words.
    2. (Alternative) A personal reflection or application: How has your own work-life or business engagement been affected by engaging in this module? This can be a general reflection or be a specific applicational assignment on how you will make a change in a specific area such as employee relations, profit, work ethic (how or whether you “get into” your work), the product or result of your work (specifically how this is a concrete way of loving your neighbour), dealing with sin, either personal or systemic, in your workplace, how your work is a ministry, creativity and innovation in your work and workplace, the workplace as an organizational culture that can help or hinder (500-750 words).
Basis of Grading Weight
Research Evidence that there has been serious study of the issue with appropriate use of footnotes or end notes 25%
Integration Indication that the participant has attempted to understand the subject or issue from the perspective of God’s purpose as revealed in Scripture 25%
Application Evidence that the truth[s] has not simply stayed as a mental exercise but there is genuine application and additional learning through the practical exercise 25%
Style The competency exercise is well written with appropriate reference to sources 25%


Each module costs HK$1500, which includes teaching materials, videos and case studies. Participants who are committed to complete all 5 modules as required by the Certificate of Marketplace Transformation Program may apply to “The Gail and Paul Stevens IMT Scholarship” for half or full sponsorship subject to the conditions specified.


MM-1 Marketplace Theology and Ministry

  • Chinese class: Register here
  • English class is coming soon. It will be available in 2021/2022.
    Let me know when it starts a new course.
  • Enquiry for registration and payment:

List of Available Modules for IMT-HK Certificate Course (English and Chinese titles)

MM-1 Marketplace Theology and Ministry 職場神學與服事 
MM-4 Taking Your Soul to Work (Marketplace Spiritual Formation) 帶著靈魂上班(職場靈性操練)
MM-6 Marketplace Mentoring 職場友師
MM-8 The Soul of Leadership* 領導的靈魂*
MM-9 Business Ethics* 商業道德*
MM-10 Marketplace Pastoring 職場牧養
MM-11 Vocational Discernment 召命與工作
MM-12 Theology of Work 工作神學
MM-14 Entrepreneurship and Innovation*創業與創新*
MM-15 Money Matters*金錢真重要
MM-17 Stewardship and Management 管家與管理

*Chinese Materials and Instruction is to be prepared and ready in 2021

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