
MM-11 Vocational Discernment (module)


Vocation, or calling, is our divinely given life purpose embracing all dimensions of our human existence, including family, marriage/singleness, neighborhood, political participation, and work. Discernment is about observing what God is doing within us and in the world and then responding to and participating in His work. Vocational discernment, hence, is a person’s process of discovering and responding to that life purpose or helping others discover and persist in their life direction as discernment is always practiced communally. This module takes a multidisciplinary approach to explore the fabric of vocational discernment. Tapping into the wisdom of vocational psychology, part of the module involves formal assessment (cost borne by participants) and interpretation of participants’ vocational individual differences and work environments to help them make sense of their present work and career life situation. This personal understanding (doing theology “from below”) will, in turn, connect with the themes within the theology of vocation and work (doing theology “from above”), bringing out the existential and practical meaning of being a “called” person in the marketplace.

Time Investment:

  • Cohort learning and sharing (15 hours)
  • Reading (10 hours)
  • Video learning and reflective exercises (10 hours)
  • Competency exercise (10 hours)

Total 45 hours*

*Times are approximate. If spread over 12 weeks, it would involve about three or four hours per week.

Completion Schedule:

Participants should complete a module within 6 months from the day of registration. Upon satisfactory completion, the participant will receive a diploma/badge of completion for that module.

Requirements for MM-11:

  1. Cohort Learning and Sharing (15 hours)
    1. Christian vocational guidance: discernment and engagement
    2. Understanding vocation and work through the lens of creation theology
    3. The wisdom of vocational psychology and psychology of calling
    4. Assessment and interpretation of vocational individual differences
    5. Unity and diversity of Christian callings
    6. Following God’s guidance
  2. Readings (10 hours)
    1. 楊錫鏘:《召命—以生命回應神的召喚》,香港:福音證主協會,2017
    2. 華爾基(Bruce K. Waltke)著,顧樂翔譯:《尋求神的旨意:豈有此理?》,香港:Vocatio Creation,2009
    3. Various additional texts supplemented by the facilitator
  3. Video Learning and Reflective Exercises (10 hours)
    1. Teaching videos by Rev. Philip Yeung (【從創造講職場:知天命、行志業】), Dr. Paul Stevens (【God Does Not Have a Wonderful Plan for Your Life】), and others on the subject of calling and vocational discernment
    2. Reflective exercises
  4. Competency Assignment (10 hours)
    The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to examine your own vocational individual differences such as values, interests, personality, etc. in greater depth, including the implications of these for your own vocational discernment and development. To complete this assignment, you will first need to complete several assessments (instructions and interpretations will be provided in class). After taking these assessments, address the following questions in your paper (One A4 page approximately 800-1000 words):
    1. In terms of your vocational individual differences, how would you describe yourself?
    2. Given your understanding of yourself, what types of career paths and work/ministry environments do you seem a good fit for, and why?
    3. Given what you have described, what key goals might you set for the next steps in your vocational development?
    4. What questions do you have right now as you think about what lies ahead in your vocational development?
      The paper will be graded according to the quality and depth of your responses to the questions, and NOT the actual content of your assessment results, life/career goals, etc.
  5. Extended readings
    1. 葛尼斯(Os Guinness)著,林以舜等譯:《一生的聖召:追尋生命的意義與目標》,台北:校園,2007
    2. 史密思(Gordon Smith)著,劉思潔譯:《呼召與勇氣:如何發揮你的天賦潛質》,台北:雅歌,2004
Basis of Grading Weight
Research Evidence that there has been serious study of the issue with appropriate use of footnotes or end notes 25%
Integration Indication that the participant has attempted to understand the subject or issue from the perspective of God’s purpose as revealed in Scripture 25%
Application Evidence that the truth[s] has not simply stayed as a mental exercise but there is genuine application and additional learning through the practical exercise 25%
Style The competency exercise is well written with appropriate reference to sources 25%


Each module costs HK$1500, which includes teaching materials, videos and case studies. Participants who are committed to complete all 5 modules as required by the Certificate of Marketplace Transformation Program may apply to “The Gail and Paul Stevens IMT Scholarship” for half or full sponsorship subject to the conditions specified.


MM-11 Vocational Discernment

  • Chinese class: Register here
  • English class is coming soon. It will be available in 2021/2022.
    Let me know when it starts a new course.
  • Enquiry for registration and payment:

List of Available Modules for IMT-HK Certificate Course (English and Chinese titles)

MM-1 Marketplace Theology and Ministry 職場神學與服事 
MM-4 Taking Your Soul to Work (Marketplace Spiritual Formation) 帶著靈魂上班(職場靈性操練)
MM-6 Marketplace Mentoring 職場友師
MM-8 The Soul of Leadership* 領導的靈魂*
MM-9 Business Ethics* 商業道德*
MM-10 Marketplace Pastoring 職場牧養
MM-11 Vocational Discernment 召命與工作
MM-12 Theology of Work 工作神學
MM-14 Entrepreneurship and Innovation*創業與創新*
MM-15 Money Matters*金錢真重要
MM-17 Stewardship and Management 管家與管理

*Chinese Materials and Instruction is to be prepared and ready in 2021

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