IMT Fellows

Data Fok
2022-2023 Fellows Program Graduate
Data is a serial entrepreneur who co-founded three start-ups before. He is also a HK-IMT fellow. He has been providing consultation to NGOs and coaching start-ups since 2013. Software engineer by training, he worked in the software and business development area for more than 20 years. After seeing the failure of a BAM attempt on a short-term mission trip in 2012, Data was motivated to help Christians to build financially sustainable and disciple-making businesses. God is with him throughout the journey from finishing his MBA, equipping him with lean start-up, design thinking and agile training, co-founding start-ups and later as a start-up coach.
The course has been a profoundly personal and enlightening experience for me. It opened my eyes to the importance of integrating faith into my professional life and the existence of scholars dedicated to studying the theology of the marketplace. I learned that God values all work equally, and whether I’m cooking or preaching, my work is an opportunity to co-create with Him and contribute to His kingdom. The course reminded me to find satisfaction in my relationship with God rather than solely in my work. I also gained valuable insights on nurturing my spiritual growth in the workplace through disciplines of responsiveness to God, seeking His guidance in prayer, reflecting on my growth, addressing the presence of the seven deadly sins within me, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and seeking support from an accountability group. Overall, this course has transformed my understanding of work’s purpose and inspired me to live out my faith in a more intentional and meaningful way in the marketplace.