IMT Fellows

Eddie Lam
2022-2023 Fellows Program Graduate
Eddie Lam has been in the toy industry for nearly 20 years and is a member of the Toy Christian Fellowship. He is also HK-IMT fellow. He is involved in serving inside and outside the church, and in recent years has equipped himself to serve in the workplace. He is willing to share work and faith integration with Christians in the workplace so that work / workplace becomes more meaningful and joyful.
Taking this course made me rethink my work goals and my correct attitude towards work. Working hard is not only to obtain generous rewards or to demonstrate and affirm one’s abilities, but also to demonstrate the presence of God’s kingdom and let God reign in the work and workplace. The true nature of work lies in the integration of faith and work, so that one can be renewed and enriched in daily work. The growth of my spiritual life and the practice of my work mission have enabled me to find the meaning and value of work. By co-working with God everyday, I have gained the strength to adhere to workplace ethics and morals and contend with the fallen workplace culture.