IMT Fellows

Kenneth So
2023-2024 Fellows Program Graduate
Kenneth So has been a Christian for 60 years and was baptized 54 years ago. He has deeply witnessed God’s calling manifested in his life, experiencing God’s guidance and refinement throughout his life stages. The Lord has been his vocational planner from birth to the workplace, from employment to entrepreneurship. He is working with his son to continuously develop their toy manufacturing company, operating with the principles of Kingdom enterprise, aiming to glorify God and benefit people so that they may receive the Lord’s abundant grace.
As someone without a theological degree, participating in the IMT-Fellow program has been a great honor and blessing for me. During this process, I have a few profound reflections:
- Reflecting, organizing, and summarizing my nearly 50 years of work experience – the transformative work of the Lord in my life. I sincerely wish to digest the experiences nurtured by the Lord and pass them on as nourishment to the younger generation.
- Through reading and attending classes, I have been exposed to the teachings and inspirations of marketplace pastors, which has made me view earthly work more positively. I now understand that through God’s guidance and people’s submission and practice, the values of the Kingdom and the blessings of Heaven can be manifested on earth, fulfilling the Creator’s declaration that it is “good” and realizing the eternal blessings of Heaven on earth.
- I am blessed to directly listen to the lectures and sharing of marketplace pastors, engage in an in-depth dialogue with them, and have the privilege to learn the teachings and insights of marketplace theology, including discussions on their latest works.