IMT Fellows

Mandy Tse
2023-2024 Fellows Program Graduate
Mandy Tse is a project manager with a background in local universities / NGOs in Hong Kong, including various sectors, such as science, education, medical, and community health. Mandy received her MPhil and BSc degrees in Food and Nutritional Sciences from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in database processing and analysis. She has managed more than 14 projects of varying time lengths and sizes so far, and she has gratefully managed the collaboration among the team, bringing the projects to bear fruits. She is also a career development counselor for youths, aspiring to build them up for a meaningful life and work.
After participating in the HK-IMT Fellows Program, I learned that many faithful Christians had burdens and substantial experiences practicing faith and work integration, building the foundation of kingdom values on earth. Those testimonials are so encouraging. I wish that from the community we connected via HK-IMT, we would know and support each other and spread “Faith, Hope and Love” to the world.