IMT Fellows
Raymond Chung
2021-2022 Fellows Program Graduate
Raymond is a Portfolio manager multi family office and have many years of experience in banking industry. He has been facilitating an investment industry marketplace ministry group since 2017. He desires to provide pastoral care to marketplace Christians.
My participation in the IMT fellows help me in undertaking more theology from above and how to integrate my daily work in market place as Jesus follower.
Dr. Paul Stevens have taught us how we practice our faith in God’s kingdom work.
I find the sessions on Christian ethics and how to apply to market place very useful .
Also, the session of working as worship helps me to center in the Triune God in work place .
Jimmy and the fellows in our journey together for almost a year enlightens me to learn and explore how each one of us can work with God in our different occupations and experiences. Each of our story sharing inspired me a lot .